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Travel: My Trip to NYC!

For this post, I decided I wanted to recap my trip to New York City that I recently took this summer. I went with my mom and my sister and we did so many iconic and fun things while we were there that I just had to share them with you! Additionally, if you love the show, Gossip Girl, this is a great trip to take!

As always, of course while we were there we did tons--and I mean TONS--of shopping. So, the places that we went that I am going to share are other places that I recommend going, other than shopping.

After we took our train into the city and dropped our stuff off at our hotel, one of the first big things that we did was take a ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. We had the chance to go up to the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty (taking the stairs of course!) and to walk around inside of Ellis Island. While at Ellis Island, we searched for our ancestors that came through there. And surprisingly, we actually had a ton of fun with it! Doing these two things are something that I would definitely recommend if you want the full New York City feel.

Next, as it happened to be National Cookie Dough Day, we went to DŌ (cookie dough confections) which we had been wanting to go to for months. They have literally the best edible cookie dough ever and so many flavors to choose from. I ended up getting sugar cookie. But, because it was National Cookie Dough day, for each scoop you bought, you got another free scoop. So, for my second scoop I got Oatmeal and M&M's. My mom and sister each also got 2 scoops so we shared and got to try 6 different and amazing flavors.

For dinner that night we went to one of my new favorite restaurants, 5 Boro Burgers. I got the turkey burger with sweet potato fries and it was probably the best turkey burger I have ever had! In addition, the sweet potato fries are also at the top of my list.

Next, probably one of my favorite things we did and I totally encourage you to do is to see a Broadway show. I had the pleasure of seeing Wicked, which was so amazing! It had comedy, romance, battle, and every element that you can ever think of combined into one!

To get there we took a taxi and our taxi driver was hilarious! Also, along with seeing Wicked we got to walk around Times Square and see where the ball drops on New Year's Eve.

Now, onto talking about fashion a little bit, that night I wore one of the comfiest and cutest pantsuits from H&M and my adorable layered necklaces are from Urban Outfitters. I definitely encourage you to check them out!

Another one of the things we did was go up to the 88th floor of the Empire State Building. We would've gone up to the 108th floor, but it has been closed for some time now. At the top, the iconic views of NYC were amazing! I recommend going in the morning because we didn't have to wait in ANY lines and we got to go right into the elevators and up to the top!

Something else that I really wanted to talk about was my experiences of riding on the subway. I know the subway is not luxurious, but I think it is a very important part of getting the full NYC experience and getting to learn about the different cultures. Sure, it was VERY interesting, but I'm really glad I got to do it!

One of the days we spent going to Central Park. While we were there we saw the Bethesda Fountain and Terrace and we toured the Central Park Zoo. Additionally, on that same day we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Dylan's Candy Bar, Grand Central Station, and a local farmer's market.

One of the last and another of my favorite things that we did was take a backstage tour of Radio City Music Hall. During the tour we had the chance to meet a Rockette (sadly we couldn't get pictures) and we got to do a little interview with her and each of us in the tour group got to talk to her one on one. We also got to see the Rockette's audition room, costume room, practice room, and the mechanics of how the stage works. The tour was really neat and informative and I suggest you try it if you ever go to NYC!

Lastly, we walked back to Penn Station and took a train back home.

I hope that you found some ideas of things to do when you are ever in New York City and if you try them, that you enjoy them as much as I did!

XOXO, gossip girl (see what I did there!:))

For real now,

Stay Fit & Fabulous, Maddie

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